Sunday, September 23, 2007

Global Levels of Sea Ice Far from Alarming

Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

Hyping concerns over the declining levels of sea ice in the Arctic seems to be a favorite theme among the global warming alarmists. Arctic sea ice is, in fact, at an historic minimum which must be proof of Anthropogenic Global Warming, correct? That is what the alarmists want you to believe, but be aware that they are trying to deceive you with selective data.

While the Northern Hemisphere is at an historic low for sea ice the Southern Hemisphere is near an historic high, so to a large extent the decreases in the Arctic are being offset by increases in the Antarctic. So how bad is the net change on a global level?

See for yourself here.

Things to note in the graph provided is that on a global scale the amount of sea ice has decreased by a little over 5% in the past 28 years. This is a far cry from the alarmist claims being made based on the Arctic alone. Other things of note include:
  1. Global level of sea ice typically varies from about +2 Million Square Kilometers to about -2 Million Square Kilometers relative to the 1979 through 2000 mean. We are currently at -1 Million Square Kilometers which appears to be well within the normal range of sea ice variation.

  2. We have absolutely no means of identifying whether the levels of sea ice being used as the reference (e.g. 1979-2000) are above normal, at normal, or below normal in relation to a larger historical context. If those years happen to be at a high point in the natural cycles of sea ice coverage then a downward trend for the past 28 years may not be anomalous at all. Without further historical data over a longer period of observation there is no way to say whether we should be alarmed by the observed decrease or not.
Despite the desperate attempts to convince you otherwise, the facts shown here indicate little, if any, cause for concern regarding global levels of sea ice.


Canadian Polar Bears doing Well?

Study shows polar bear increase in Davis Strait

One of the most visible scare tactics of the global warming alarmists is to show pictures of polar bears on ice flows with captions claiming that global warming is melting the ice and hurting the bears. So what do the people who actually study and inventory the number of bears say about this? Well at least as far as Canada is concerned it seems that the bears are doing just fine, too fine in fact, and they may become a problem which will have to be dealt with.

Climate change is not hurting polar bear populations in the Davis Strait area of Nunavut, according to Dr. Mitch Taylor, manager of wildlife research and a polar bear biologist with the GN's Department of Environment.

In fact, polar bear populations along the Davis Strait are healthy and their numbers increasing, an ongoing study is indicating.

Reports in national and international press have projected that two-thirds of the world's polar bear populations will be lost within 50 years due to the loss of sea ice.

Canada has two thirds of the world's polar bears. Nunavut is home to 12 of Canada's 13 polar bear populations, totalling an estimated 14,780.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

This is racism?

Daily Kos: Bill O'Reilly in All His Racist Glory

MissLaura over at DailyKos has a hit piece on how racist Bill O'Reilly is.
Her complaint? Bill went to a restaurant in Harlem and had nice things to say
about it. Yea, giving the Harlem restaurant a good review is now considered
racist by the nut cases at DailyKos. O'Reilly's main points?

  1. It was a nice restaurant just like other famous restaurants in New York.
  2. The clientele are normal everyday people out to have a nice dinner.

That's it? That's the racism of Bill O'Reilly?

I remember when racism meant things like lynchings, and segregation, and Jim Crow laws in the south. Now it seems that we have come so far in this country that racism has been reduced to giving good reviews to restaurants in
black neighborhoods. Is it me, or does this kind of cheapen the meaning of
racism and belittle the things that those who really faced racism endured?


Meteor Blades Gets "It"!

Daily Kos: OK, Then, YOU Tell US

Like last May 24 when you, in the word of a former Kossack, played crumplestiltskin in the first minute of the second round over supplemental funding for Iraq. Money that you knew would, in part, pay for a "surge" policy that many of you claimed you objected to. Last May you said yes to an unencumbered supplemental and no to a specific date for completing redeployment of U.S. troops from Iraq. In other words, you joined Republicans to smack a great big APPROVAL stamp on Stay the Course, although the policy isn’t actually called that any longer.

Yesterday, you did it again when you KOed Feingold-Reid. You could just as well have said to Mister Bush: "Sir, you’ve got us by the short hairs so we’re going to give you free rein on Iraq." And, of course, you also had to add insult to injury and prove your bona fides as a loyal and patriotic rule-player by joining in a hypocrisy-laden smack-down of those who dared challenge the president’s spokesman. Because you’ve bought the paralyzing lie that a general in uniform is the military and must never be disrespected.

Emphasis mine.

But what do we learn from this? The point being made here is absolutely correct. Rather than General Patraeus betraying us, it is the Democrats in Congress who are betraying the left wing nut cases at DailyKos by refusing to do their bidding. Obviously the Democrat leadership in congress understands that cutting funding for the troops is just plain the wrong way to go and yet these nut cases persist. Obviously the Democrat leadership understands that to be loyal and patriotic one must show some level of respect to the leaders of our fighting men and women in uniform, and to support those men and women wherever they are, even in Iraq.

What Meteor Blades is clearly demonstrating here is that anything that IS being loyal and patriotic IS an insult and an injury to what these nut cases stand for. What Meteor Blades is clearly demonstrating here is that even HE understands that he and those like him are the very antithesis of loyal and patriotic, which is a point I have made many times.
